

Long Range Scope Mount Rails

These are designed for 1000 yard shooting. They have about 24 minutes of angle built into its 9" length, allows you to place your 1000 yard zero close to the center of the scopes movement. Machined from 6061-T6 aluminum to accept most Weaver type scope rings and are hard black anodized. I prefer Leupold Q.R.W. rings.

Description Part # Price
To fit short action Remington M-700 or 40X actions WSR-40 85.00

To fit long action Remington M-700 actions

WSR-LR 85.00

To fit Remington XP-100, M-600 & M-7 actions

WSR-XP 85.00
To fit all Winchester M-70 actions WSR-WIN 85.00
To fit all new Savage M-110 series actions WSR-SAV 85.00
To fit most commercial M98 Mauser actions WSR-98 85.00

Tactical Scope Rails

Description Part # Price
This is a 6-1/2" long version of the above Scope Rail, with only 10 minutes of elevation built-in. Made for shooters that don't shoot long range much, but still need to move the scope forward and occasionally does shoot past 600 yards. Works well with the big military/police scopes. Models and prices are the same as above, just add a "T" after the "WSR" when ordering. Add "T"to the product your ordering 85.00

This rail is a cross between the two above, machined to fit on an AR's flattop. It is 9" long with 10 minutes of elevation. Sliding it onto the flattop from the back and is locked and clamped in place by 2 socket head cross screws

WSR-AR 90.00

M1A Scout Scope Mount Rails

Description Part # Price
Designed to clamp around the barrel, under the handguard. Requires machining the barrel. Uses Weaver style rings M1A-SCMT 95.00




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Last modified: May 04, 2009

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